Spin and Win – Golden Empire Slot at Gold99

Jili Games introduces an innovative and dynamic video slot, Golden Empire, offering a multifaceted gaming experience. Delving into the ancient and enigmatic Mayan era, the slot unveils hidden treasures reserved for the chosen few. With this captivating game, players now have the chance to explore these riches and potentially claim priceless rewards.

Golden empire

The Golden Empire slot boasts a cascade of mechanics that proves exceptionally generous. Upon achieving a winning combination, symbols vanish, making way for new ones to cascade into place. If these new symbols align, players are rewarded once again, creating a cascade of winnings that continues until a victory is achieved. With a spacious playing field and an impressive 32,400 lines for potential winnings, players stand a high chance of frequent and substantial wins.

Details of the Golden Empire Slot & RTP

Presenting the Golden Empire slot, crafted by Jili Games, this video slot falls under the medium volatility category. With an extensive array of 32,400 paylines, players are in for an exhilarating gaming experience. The minimum coin size starts at 1, providing accessibility for various budgets, while the maximum coin size goes up to 1000 for those seeking higher stakes.

An essential factor for players to consider is the Return to Player (RTP) rate, which stands at a competitive 96.5%. This percentage reflects the expected return to players over an extended period, indicating a favorable prospect for those trying their luck on the Golden Empire slot. Explore the game’s dynamic features and seize the opportunity to uncover the treasures hidden within its reels.

How to Engage with the Golden Empire Slot

Unlock the secrets of the Golden Empire Slot by following our comprehensive guide on gameplay, covering essential aspects such as placing bets, setting paylines, and spinning the reels.

Setting Your Bet and Paylines

Before immersing yourself in the gameplay, it’s vital to acquaint yourself with the options for placing bets and configuring paylines. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:


Navigate the paytable to access crucial information about symbols, winning combinations, and their respective payouts. A thorough review of the paytable empowers you with insights into potential rewards, aiding in strategic planning.

System Configuration

Tailor your gaming experience with Golden Empire’s array of system settings. Adjust sound effects, graphics quality, and game speed according to your preferences for a personalized journey.

Bet Customization

Fine-tune your wager by utilizing the game’s bet adjustment feature. Select an appropriate bet size to manage the risk and potential returns associated with each spin.

Autoplay Convenience

Experience a more streamlined gameplay with Golden Empire’s autoplay feature. Set the desired number of automatic spins, allowing you to relax and enjoy the game without the need for manual spin button clicks.

Adjustable Paylines

Golden Empire employs a unique payline system, boasting an impressive 32,400 megaways to win. While all paylines are active by default, you retain the flexibility to modify your bet level to align with your budget and play style.

Initiating the Reels

Once you’ve configured your preferred settings and fine-tuned your bet, the excitement begins with a simple click on the spin button. Watch as the reels come to life, embarking on an action-packed adventure within the Golden Empire.

Golden Empire Slot Game Features Unveiled

Explore the captivating game features of Golden Empire Slot, including the dynamic Wild symbol, the intriguing Golden Frame symbol, the pivotal Scatter symbol, and the enticing Free Spin Bonus Game. Ready for an in-depth look? Let’s delve into each of these features below!

Wild Symbol

The Wild symbol within the Golden Empire Slot Game stands as a potent icon capable of substituting for any symbol on the reels, except for the Scatter symbol. Positioned on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th reel, the Wild symbol plays a crucial role in forming winning combinations by filling in for missing symbols. Leverage the versatility of the Wild symbol to enhance your chances of achieving lucrative combinations.

Golden Frame Symbol

Another noteworthy element in the Golden Empire Slot Game is the Golden Frame symbol. Appearing randomly on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th reels, this symbol, when part of a winning combination, transforms into a Wild symbol. What adds to the excitement is the potential for the Wild symbol derived from the Golden Frame to be eliminated multiple times.

The numerical display on the Wild symbol signifies the remaining elimination opportunities. With each elimination, the number decreases until reaching zero. Harness the potential of the Golden Frame symbol to trigger multiple Wilds and maximize your chances of substantial wins.

Scatter Symbol

The Scatter symbol in the Golden Empire Slot Game serves as the gateway to the exhilarating Free Game bonus round. Landing four Scatter symbols anywhere on the reels triggers the Free Game feature, providing eight rounds of free spins. The excitement intensifies as each additional Scatter symbol during the Free Game rewards two extra rounds, prolonging gameplay and amplifying winning possibilities.

Free Spins Bonus Game

The Free Spins Bonus Game stands out as a highlight in the Golden Empire Slot Game, offering an exhilarating opportunity for significant rewards. Activating the Free Game initiates an initial cumulative multiplier of X1. As you progress through the Free Game and clear winning combinations, the cumulative multiplier increments by one with each elimination.

Crucially, the multiplier in the Free Game remains cumulative without resetting, allowing it to grow throughout the entire bonus round. Trigger the Free Spins Bonus Game by landing four Scatter symbols during normal gameplay, with each additional Scatter symbol earned adding two extra rounds. This ensures ample opportunities to capitalize on the escalating multiplier and enhance your gaming experience.

5 Winning Strategies for Golden Empire Slot

Discover success at the Golden Empire Slot with our recommended strategies below, designed to enhance your chances of winning real money. These techniques include studying the paytable, leveraging the power of wild symbols, unlocking the free game feature, making the most of the golden frame symbol, and optimizing free spins multipliers.

Master the Paytable

The paytable serves as your roadmap to understanding the significance of each symbol and their respective payouts. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the symbols, their combinations, and any special features they may possess. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions, identifying the most lucrative winning opportunities within the game.

Harness Wild Symbols

The Wild symbol stands as a game-changer in the Golden Empire Slot Game, capable of substituting for other symbols (excluding the Scatter) to aid in forming winning combinations. Keep a keen eye on the Wild symbol, positioned on reels 2, 3, 4, and 5, as it holds the potential to significantly increase your chances of landing winning spins.

Unlock the Free Game Feature

Trigger the highly rewarding Free Game feature by collecting four Scatter symbols. This grants you 8 rounds of Free Games, with each additional Scatter symbol earning you 2 extra rounds. The Free Game feature offers an excellent opportunity to accumulate substantial wins without additional bets. Make activating this feature a priority to capitalize on its potential for significant payouts.

Maximize the Golden Frame Symbol

Elevate the excitement and potential in your gameplay with the Golden Frame symbol. When eliminated in a winning combination, it transforms into a Wild symbol that can be eliminated multiple times. Monitor the number displayed on the Wild symbol, representing the remaining eliminations. Strive to maximize the Golden Frame symbol’s potential by landing winning combinations that allow for multiple eliminations, increasing your chances of significant wins.

Strategize with Free Spins Multipliers

In the Free Spins Bonus Game, each successful elimination boosts the cumulative multiplier by 1. Aim to clear as many symbols as possible to maximize the multiplier and amplify your winnings. By strategically planning your moves and focusing on symbol eliminations, you unlock the full potential of the Free Spins Bonus Game, ensuring substantial rewards await.


The Golden Empire Slot boasts an impressive 32,400 paylines, providing players with a high chance of frequent and substantial wins.

The Return to Player (RTP) rate for the Golden Empire Slot is 96.5%, reflecting a favorable prospect for players over an extended period.

Yes, players can customize their bets in the Golden Empire Slot by adjusting the coin size, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 1000, catering to various budgets and play styles.

To engage with the Golden Empire Slot, follow the comprehensive guide on gameplay, covering aspects such as placing bets, setting paylines, and utilizing features like the autoplay function.

The Golden Empire Slot features include a dynamic Wild symbol, the Golden Frame symbol with elimination opportunities, a Scatter symbol triggering the Free Game bonus round, and a Free Spins Bonus Game with a cumulative multiplier.


In conclusion, the Golden Empire Slot at Gold99 offers an immersive gaming experience set against the backdrop of the ancient Mayan era, with its innovative features and substantial paylines providing players with exciting opportunities for frequent wins. Whether exploring the dynamic Wild symbol, strategically utilizing the Golden Frame symbol, or unlocking the exhilarating Free Spins Bonus Game, players can embark on a thrilling adventure, armed with winning strategies that enhance the potential for significant rewards in this captivating video slot.

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